School of Santhi is happy to invite you to our Daily Yoga classes in our Vazhuthacaud Premises. Our sessions will help you to ward off stress and rejuvenate yourself.
🌸 6.30 AM – 8.00 AM IST
🌸 6.00 PM – 7.30 PM IST
Body is an instrument to do actions. Action in turn gives reaction. Action and reaction together gives experience. Experience in turn synthesize knowledge and knowledge gets evolved into concepts, beliefs and ideas. We hold on these concepts, beliefs and ideas and start to become stiff. The stiffness of the mind percolates into the body. It becomes difficult for the body in due course to be comfortable even in the natural positions.
We are constantly moving to fulfill something. It is important for us in this mad rush to learn to stand once again on our foot, to sit, to lay and to remain in balancing positions with inner harmony and to feel comfortable in whatever position we assume with our mind and body.
In Yoga Sutra, Maharshi Patanjali says “Sthiram Sugham Asanam” – Long steady and comfortable position is Asana. Asanas are practiced to develop the ability to sit or stand or lay comfortable in a position for an extended period of time. Staying comfortable and steady in one position settles the Pranic activities and this in turn lead to the withdrawal of senses that results in one pointedness. One pointedness, rather concentration, culminates in no pointed attentiveness which we call as meditation or Dhyana.
We follow the Siva Raja Yoga Tradition. In our sessions, you will learn to relax and rejuvenate through,
🌸 Asana
🌸 Pranayama
🌸 Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses)
🌸 Dhyana (Meditation)
Our classes are designed to be very relaxing and light. Get in touch if you wish to join/further queries.