
School of Santhi

A Traditional Yoga School since 1992 for serious spiritual seekers. Pioneer in teaching Siva Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Swara Yoga, Gnana Yoga, Samkhya Philosophy and other classical yogic forms. 

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Learn Traditional Yoga

Teacher Training Courses

Our world today, has a lot of spiritual teachers but lacks real masters. School of Santhi’s Yoga Teacher Training courses aims at reforming serious spiritual seekers into masters of yoga. Santhi has carefully designed this programme to aid in one’s complete transformation in accordance with the ancient Gurukula System. The salient feature of this age-old system is the total involvement of the Master in imparting knowledge to his disciples in an atmosphere of love and compassion. 

Our teacher training courses are not just restricted to a set of exercises/asanas for physical well-being. They deal with the practical application of ancient wisdom – Raja Yoga, Kundalini yoga, Swara yoga, Jnana Yoga, Samkhya philosophy, Patanjali’s Yoga sutra etc.. for a better understanding of the functioning of the body and mind.

To ensure personal attention to all, we facilitate the courses in small groups. Chosen people from all over the world come to us for learning this art of transformation and they in turn propose this science to their students. 

The subjects are taught in three different levels – 900 hours in total:

Popularly known in the yoga world as TTC 200 or RYS 200 is actually a 302 hours comprehensive program that Santhi has carefully designed to master the basics of Yoga and to turn one into a proficient, qualified yoga teacher. 

Admission requirements: A serious interest in yoga and spirituality and a willing mind to comply with our ethical guidelines.

Certificate: On successful completion of this level, you will become Yoga Parichaya, Yoga Teacher Assistant and you will receive School of Santhi International Yoga Teacher Training Certificate, level 1, 200 hours (RYS 200 and IRYS 200)

Syllabus: Our TTC follows the recommended standards and guidelines of International Yoga Federation and Yoga Alliance US`for RYS 200. Additionally, we put in extra 102 hours against the standard 200 hours to ensure that students receive the maximum.

Theory sessions

Food and it’s balancing nature according to yogic natural system

Human Physiology

Human Anatomy

Teaching Methodology

Philosophy and Ethics

Theory of creation – Samkhya Philosophy

Different paths of Yoga:

  • Raja Yoga
  • Jnana Yoga
  • Bhakthi Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Swara Yoga – the science of prana and its applications
  • Kundalini Yoga – Chakra and channels

Yoga philosophy – Aphorisms of Patanjali

Yoga philosophy – Aphorisms of Thirumoolar’s’ Thirumandiram

Evolution of elements and its role in Prana

Pranic field and relationship between nature and man

Food and Prana

Atmosphere and Pranic exchange

Different pranas and their functions

Psychic energy centers and function of Prana

Regulation and rebalance of prana

Illness and elemental imbalance

Principles of Yoga therapy and healing

Kshat Kriyas

Prana and higher evolution

The theory of Karma and freedom

States of consciousness and meditation

Techniques of initiations and mantras

Practical training in teaching

Master and Disciple

Practice sessions

Yoga asanas



Withdrawal of senses 



Healing based on Kundalini Yoga

Teaching methodology

Practice in teaching


 TTC 500 Part 1 is the second level of our 900 hours comprehensive TTC where one studies the psychological aspects of the above subjects in depth. 

Admission requirements: A willing mind to comply with our ethical guidelines.

Should have successfully completed the level 1 – TTC 200 from School of Santhi 

Certificate: On successful completion of this level, you will will receive School of Santhi International Yoga Teacher Training Certificate, Level 2, TTC 500 – Part 1 (RYS 500 – 1)

Syllabus: You will further deepen your study into all the topics covered in the first level – TTC 200. Advanced asanas will be practiced and a great amount of time is dedicated to understanding the psychological aspects of yoga in depth.

TTC 500 Part 2 is the most advanced and the final level of the programme. 

Admission requirements: A willing mind to comply with our ethical guidelines.

Should have successfully completed our first level – TTC 200 and second level – TTC 500 Part 1. 

One should also possess a minimum of 100 hours of yoga teaching experience outside the school.

Certificate: On successful completion of this level, you will will receive School of Santhi International Yoga Teacher Training Certificate, Level 3, TTC 500 – Part 2 (RYS 500 – 2)

Syllabus: You will further advance your study into all the topics covered in the previous levels. Advanced asanas will be practiced and your study will deepen into further understanding the spiritual aspects of yoga.


 Join our courses and experience this rare possibility if you have a serious interest in learning traditional yoga!

Other Programs

Santhi’s workshops on meditation, yoga therapy, karma, kundalini yoga etc.. are very simple and offer practical solutions to painful problems, both mental and physical. With a warm and loving approach, Santhi gives the audience an opportunity to understand themselves and provides tools to improve the quality of life in his workshops. 

The world is so hallucinating that we are grabbed fully by its experience. We are often self-assured and believe that we understand everything around us. Santhi challenges our beliefs and guides us into seeing things in a different way – a way in which you start looking deeply within yourself, see all the subtle aspects of the mind and its relation with prana – the vital force. You will learn to understand yourself without the backing of any concepts whatsoever.  

His teachings are suitable for people of all faiths, as well as both beginners and experienced practitioners. The benefits of his teachings have been tested and proven by time.

Satsang is a combination of two words, Sat and Sang. ‘Sat’ means essence. ‘Sang’ means meeting and hence Satsang means meeting with the essence.

Sankara sings: 

“ Satsangatve nisangatwam, Nisangatwe  nirmohatwam, Nirmohatwe niscala tatwam, Nischala tatwe Jeevan mukti! ”      

Satsang leads to detachment, Detachment leads to a state of no desire, State of no desire leads to the stillness of mind, Stillness of mind leads to liberation” 

The purpose of Satsang is to stop the mind and remain in oneness with the inner essence. Generally, Satsangs are discourse sessions; the Master talks on spiritual subjects, narrates stories of Gods, sings devotional songs and the listeners in turn slowly melt into the satsang forgetting their chattering mind.

The uniqueness of Satsang with Santhi is that he starts the session with meditation. In the guided meditation he brings the participants into a state of deep relaxation. He leads them to stillness; allows them to relax with their inner witness thus offering a possibility to reach a state very close to Samadhi. He further continues the session with a discourse. The subjects are always centered around spirituality and transformation. 

Santhi’s enlightening discourses are life transforming. He inspires his listeners to go for inner exploration and realization. The session usually ends with a question answer session where Santhi guides one into finding answers to his/her questions. 

Journeys always teach us something new, a new perspective to see the world and life as it is. Spiritual journeys and retreats with Santhi are a wonderful opportunity for serious spiritual seekers to come in contact with the spiritual life and wisdom of India. Pranayama, Meditation, Satsangs and deep spiritual discussions with Santhi resonate the air amidst the nature in these retreats. 

Join him, as he journeys through different pilgrimage centers like Rishikesh, Haridwar, Himalayas, along the mighty Ganges etc.. in the North of India, Kodachadri, Gokarna & the deeper parts of the Western Ghats in the South of India. Our Spiritual retreats are organized on interest basis nowadays. Get in touch with us if you are interested in treading on a spiritual journey with Santhi.

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Yoga Teachers Trained
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Workshops Held

Upcoming Programs

De-stress your mind and recharge your tiresome whole. Our workshops on meditation, yoga therapy, karma etc.. are very simple and offer practical solutions to painful problems, both mental and physical. With a warm and loving approach, we provide simple tools and techniques to improve the quality of life. Our programs are an opportunity to understand yourselves deeper.

From the Blog

This series will introduce you to the vast world of wisdom that leads to the path to personal growth and self-realization. It explains the concepts of Kundalini Tantra, Swara Yoga, Raja yogaSankhya philosophy and the need to lead a pious and spiritual life until one’s death in order to ultimately achieve the “illumination of the heart. 

Find us on YouTube

Follow our channel on YouTube. Santhi speaks about spirituality, the nature of the mind, the significance of meditation, yogic practices for observation and how observing one’s mind can lead you to liberation.

How to surrender?

All paths lead to one. Fix your life.

Why do we need Yoga?